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Svelte Libraries
For Svelte 5/Runes projects
Svelte Animate
A lightweight Svelte component that adds beautiful CSS animations to any element using Animate.css library.
Svelte Next
Bash script to automate updating Svelte versions (specifically targeting next versions) in project directories
Flowbite Svelte
A UI library crafted for Svelte 5 Runes. Alert, Avatar, Badge, Button, Banner, Card, Checkbox, Dropdown, Input, Progress, Select, Skeleton, Spinner, Table, and more.
Svelte 5 UI Lib
A UI library crafted for Svelte 5 Runes. Alert, Avatar, Badge, Button, Banner, Card, Checkbox, Dropdown, Input, Progress, Select, Skeleton, Spinner, Table, and more.
A simple Google analyics component for Svelte Runes project.
Runes Meta Tags
Easily configure meta tags including basic SEO information, robots meta tag, Twitter and Open Graph meta tags for Svelte 5 Runes.
Svelte Rune Highlight
Syntax highlighting for Svelte 5 Runes using highlight.js.
Runes Webkit
A collection of ready-to-use components for Svelte 5 Runes. Navbar, Footer, CodeWrapper, DocPage, HighlightCompo, HomeCards, IconPage, OnThisPage, Sidebar, TechInfo, and more.
Svelte Lib Helpers
Simplify the process of managing exports, documentation, package distribution for Svelte 4/5/Runes.
Svelte Shields badges for Svelte Runes project.
A library to facilitate dynamic and flexible searching within a dataset.
Svelte Carbonads
A component library that set up a Carbonads on your SvelteKit project
For Svelte 4/5 projects
Flowbite Svelte
An official Flowbite component library for Svelte 4/5/.
Flowbite Svelte Icons
540+ SVG Flowbite icons components for Svelte 3/4/5/Runes.
Flowbite Svelte Admin Dashboard
Admin dashboard for Flowbite Svelte.
Flowbite Svelte Blocks
Svelte blocks for Flowbite Svelte.
Svelte Lib Helpers
Simplify the process of managing exports, documentation, package distribution for Svelte 4/5/Runes.
Demo and Starters
Dynamic styling
Dynamic styling for Svelte 5/Runes projects
Runes Webkit starter
A starter for Svelte 5/Runes projects using Runes Webkit